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A range of strategies that you may find helpful to promote more positive sleep behaviours in children.

Some general sleep tips can be downloaded here: 

Smiling Kids

Positive Bedtime Routines

*Prepare a cool bedroom to induce restful sleep.


*Predictable– order and timing of events kept the same; insert minor changes if becoming too restrictive.

*Arrange choices on visual picture schedule.


*NO stimulating activities


*Your child’s bed should be for sleeping only.


*Engage in specific bedtime routines conductive to sleep in the last 30 minutes before sleep.


*Low demand– no conflict or confusion

Kids Running

Active to Passive Activity Ideas

For supporting a gradual decline in activity levels before bed

Peaks Above Clouds

Bedtime Fading and Response Cost

For  difficulties falling asleep & earlier bedtimes

Light Shaft

Graduated Fading 

For children who require your presence to fall asleep, or for co-sleeping

Girl Sleeping

Scheduled Awakenings

For disruptive awakenings

Brown Eye Closeup

Scheduled Awakenings

For night terrors

Business Card

Bedtime Pass

To reduce out of bed behaviours at bedtime

Man Carrying Child in Arms

A strategy to promote relaxation and to get rid of mind chatter before bed.

Toys for children with worries

Some children respond well to having something tangible/physical that they can use to support them with their worries. Anecdotally, some parents and professionals say that the following toys have been of some support to some children with worries. These items can be purchased in a range of shops and online.

Guatemalan Worry dolls
Worry Monsters and Worry Eaters

Additional tips for children with special educational needs and disabilities can be found by clicking this button

Managing Screen time
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