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Supporting positive sleep habits 

Love the World

Sleep diary template - child

This download provides a template to help you to record your child's sleep behaviours. By completing a sleep diary, it can help you to identify if there are patterns to your child's sleep difficulties that could be overcome with targeted support.

Cabin Bedroom

Sleep diary template - adult

This download provides a template to help you to record your sleep behaviours. By completing a sleep diary, it can help you to identify if there are patterns to your own sleep difficulties that could be overcome with targeted support.

Man in the Mist

Dealing with nightmares - NHS recommendations

There is increasing evidence that the dreams and nightmares need tackling directly – not as a symptom of another problem – but as a problem in their own right. This document puts forward a technique showing how nightmares can be managed.


Progressive muscle relaxation technique

These documents provide a strategy to help the body to relax and it can be used in preparation for bed. Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that is used to rid the body of tension that may be associated with fear or anxiety. This is because, one way that the body responds to fear and anxiety is to create tense muscles. The physical response can then result in a feeling of being tense, which can in itself be highly tiring to the body. By practising progressive muscle relaxation, you can become more aware of when your body or parts of your body feel tense. By recognising this more quickly, you can learn to relax those muscles and teach your body to respond differently to the things that cause fear and anxiety.

Cat on a Soft Blanket

Relax like a cat

This progressive muscle relaxation exercise from the NHS provides a fun way that families can engage in a relaxation activity to help to bring calm for children as bedtimes approach.

Young Girl Reading

Free bedtime story eBooks

This link provides access to a large number of free PDF ebooks that can be downloaded and read as part of a bedtime routine.

Woman on Window Sill

Helping the anxious child to sleep alone

This download provides information about children who have difficulty sleeping alone due to feeling anxious.

Family at a Beach

Sleep strategies presentation - with notes

This document provides sleep strategies and information for parents of children with sleep difficulties. This file contains added notes to the presentation slides.

Lakeside Camping

Sleep strategies presentation basic slides

This document provides sleep strategies and information for parents of children with sleep difficulties. This file contains basic slides for a brief overview, whereas the presentation notes file contains added information to enhance many of the slides.

Teacher and Young Student

Example bedtime routine - Visual template1

A visual timetable to support children with their bedtime routine.

Cogs and a Pencil

Example bedtime routine - Visual template 2

A visual sleep plan timetable to support children with their bedtime routine.

Playing with Animals

Reward charts

This page provides you with a number of free reward chart templates for you to download according to your child's interests. They can be used to praise positive behaviours and also to help the child to target particular behaviours (e.g. staying in bed at night). A reward is typically given once a set number of achievements have been made to encourage more of the same behaviour. Always praise with specific positive language and the sticker/tick, or smiley face. Over time and once the behaviours become more ingrained, you can very slowly start to face out the frequency of the rewards being delivered. To download the reward charts, click on each link below. They may be printed and used and/or printed and laminated for longer term use.


A free Dr. Seuss Sleep activity book

This ebook can be dowloaded and printed. Consider using it as a quiet activity before bed.

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