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Relaxation exercises for children

These relaxation exercises can become part of a daily family activity, or something that your child can practise on their own as part of their bedtime routine.


The video activities can be just used for sound (with the screen face down or turned away) if completed some hours before bedtime. Alternatively, if used early enough in the evening, it could provide a useful transition activity from a stimulating activity to start more relaxing or quiet activities.

Relax like a cat

The Relax like a cat download is a great resource that can help to promote progressive relaxation, to help children to prepare their bodies for sleep.

The 4 - 7 - 8 Method

4 - 7 - 8 breathing exercise good for feelings of anger, stress and anxiety

Muscle Relaxation

A guided progressive muscle relaxation exercise

A guided relaxation exercise
A quick one minute mindfulness exercise
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